non-western art

I have always been interested in world religions.  For this post I am going to show some of the common symbols used in Buddhism and Taoism as symbols of Zen.  The first one I have is the Yin and Yang.  I have a video hear about the meaning.  It comes from taoism and it represents good and evil.  Yin is black and can be cold and the white is the Yang.  The meaning of the dots in each is to mean that neither one is complete(Zhelyazkov, 2022).      

The next one is called the Enso Circle.  This symbol comes from Buddhism and it can also be called the enlightenment or Infinity circle(Zhelyazkov, 2022).  

This last one it the Om or Aum symbol and is a Hindu symbol that is also used in Zen Buddhism.  It is said that it represents the sacred sound that is said to be the sound of the universe(Zhelyazkov, 2022).  

References cited:

Zhelyazkov, Y. (2022) Zen symbols and their meanings, Symbol Sage. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).




  1. Hello,
    What a great post! I really enjoyed that you posted images of the art and also a video. It helped me enjoy the talent that was put into the symbols more. I also enjoyed that you mentioned the importance of Buddhism and Taoism as symbols of Zen, it really connected to the history of it all. Overall great post, and I love the art you used.

  2. Good post! It's really interesting to look at spiritual or religious symbols and the meanings behind them since they're usually only used to represent ideas. If it applies, do you know the origin of the 2 last symbols and why they came to be used in the ways they are?


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