The Smoker


The Smoker by Joos van Craesbeeck

So I did a search for tronie and this came up.  Tronies were meant to be paintings with unique facial expressions (Manioudaki 2020).   I thought it was quite a funny piece and knew I would use it for this blog.  This is said to be a self portrait of painter and is said to show off his wild side and life in the tavern which he was a regular (Wikipedia).  He was a Flemish painter which is a region of what is now Belgium.  This work would be a good example of the rise of the merchant class.  His work was designed more for the middle and lower classes of people as most of his other works as well as this one were of activities that those kind of people are more likely to have done (Wikipedia).  I think it is a fairly good representative of the Baroque period specifically the northern Baroque.  It uses a more life-like situation.  It also uses the darker color of the hair and body of the subject to really draw attention to the facial expression and the hands and smoke of what he is doing.  This was definitely hard to find much other information about this work.             

References cited:

 Manioudaki, Anastasia, 2020.  What is a Tronie? Famous examples of tronies in Dutch and Flemish Baroque. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am obsessed with Baroque artwork; I wish I had looked into more of the Dutch artist's paintings. The painting you chose is excellent; it grabbed my attention to learn more; I was slightly let down when I saw you say you had some problems finding much information on the artist. Your analysis of art elements was spot on and detailed how his work connected to the rise of the merchants' class. I chose an artist who lived a short life and had to dig pretty deep on the internet to find information. Joos van Craesbeeck seems like an interesting fellow. Learning more about his life would have interested me, or other aspects of it. Did he take inspiration from anyone? Where is this painting in the present? A google search led me to learn that The Smoker was credited to be the work of Adriaen Brouwer until an engraving was found in the eighteenth century that identified van Craesbeeck as the try artist. I would have also been interested to know how you related to this artist or the work he crafted; I believe it may have had the readers chuckling.
    Thank you for sharing Joos van Craesbeeck's artwork!


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