Romantic Era


    This work is titled Starry night over the Rhone By Vincent Van Gogh painted in 1888.  Van Gogh has to be my favorite artist of the time period.  A lot of his paintings tend to be of a more real and darker state of mind, perhaps because he was struggling with mental issues (The art story). Since Van Gogh was said to be a compulsive painted I can see this as being a scene he saw and wanted to paint it.  I like it because of how he used short brush strokes so make the painting.  Mixing in colors in a way to portray object and even reflection on the water.   

This painting is titled Sunday Afternoon and is done by Georges Seurat.  The artist was using this work to depict people of different social classes on the island of LaGrande Jatte.  This was painted in the style called pointillism, which was a systematic way of painting using closely placed dots of pure color to make a scene(  I do like the way the artist used color to set the mood of the painting and the feeling that it make the viewer want to be apart of it.  I always remember this painting from the scene in Ferris Bueller's day off,  were cameron stares at the painting and it keeps zooming in until you can really see the individual dots of paint.  



 This work by Claude Monet called Impression Sunrise 1872.  Some of the elements of impressionism Monet uses are capturing a moment in time which would be a sunrise on the harbor.  The use of small dabes of different color adds texture to the water and gives a sense of motion to the smaller boats as well as the smoke rising from the bigger boats in the back.  This painting is my favorite of the four I examine because the more you look at it the more things you see.  

Still life with peaches by Auguste Renoir 1881.  This is a impression of a moment in time that the artist had when he was at patrons country home (  The use of color really brings out the image of the peaches.  It also could be used to suggest a bountiful harvest or to relay a sign of wealth and happier times.  This work is my least favorite of the four.  However I did find it a good contrast to the others being that there are more defined lines and a clearer subject manner.  

 References Cited:


  1. I love the examples you used in this post, especially the piece done by Van Gogh. The way that he uses brush strokes to create movement while also using color to really exaggerate the elements in each piece he creates. In the romantic era, it was to romanticize certain aspects of life, in his case, this was a painting of his mind. In other words, this was his interpretation of his view outside his room window at the asylum he was staying in at the time. So he took a dark moment of his life and brought a lot of color to it and created something beautiful instead.


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